“To many, the EarthWorld has become their home. This is easy to do with the FiveBodies of UNaware People and their relationship with 'things' complex & compacted. Everything is Choice. It Really Does take a lot of Experience in Creation to get to the 'point' to where You Want to WakeUP from This Passing Dream, but in the meantime, no matter what You 'think' or do, it is more than obvious that You Cannot Remedy Your Situations Here! This is why the Marketing Ploy of 'hope' is an idea that is so readily Used & Agreed upon, and this is why The World Deceptors constantly promote Hope with all of Their Premeditated Agendas to the UNaware Subservient Masses. Because Everyone Here has become so ingrained with Fear, it is very hard to become motivated to Free One's Self from the Trappings & TapLines from the DarkBrat Manipulators in TimeSpace Creation. YU, The RealU, came Here to try to Once Again 'WakeUP ALL The Way' with what You have come to know so far from Lifetimes of Brutal & Struggling Experiences, and for the most part, You Do Not Remember! This EarthWorld has become More Than Borrring from everything that has been created Here so far, and it will Get Worse, because Almost Everyone Keeps Agreeing it will. It is the 'unseen' element that is the driving force that is creating the Black Holes in This Galaxy. The Black Holes are the Big Mystery to Everyone, except The ReALL UNUversal Guides who Seee & Know what is taking place. The scientists, holy men, soothsayers, masters & gurus, and even the invented gods, do Not Know what is taking place in Creation Now! This Planet Earth has become a Very Borrring Place that is Purposely Being Destroyed, because very few people have The RealCourage to Listen to What Makes Sense with The Whole of Life. DUANEIS constantly Writing & Speaking to try and Motivate people into SteppingUP to Learn to Save ThemSelves from More UNawareness. SING 'NU~U~U~U' and Watch Your DreamVisions and ALLLife will Show You 'What IS ReALL Now!' TAKE THE RISK... ASK REBISAR & PALL & DUANE & THE REALL UNUVERSAL GUIDES for RealGuidance & RealEducation on THE REALL~SIDE LIFEIS!
Duane The Great Writer is making HimSelf Available for Those who want to KnowMorrre & SeeeMorrre & BeeeMorrre than just having another ‘ordinary’ unaware life on This Purposely Poisoned Planet! Create Your NU’Seee’sion with Duane The Great Writer and D’IS’cusss any topic You Like! Here IS Some Examples to D’IS’cusss… Personal, Financial, Relationships, Dreams, Government, 5G, GMO, ChemTrails, Vaccines, HAARP, Military, Secret Service, Spying, Subliminal TapLining, Conspiracy, Angels, Gods, Fairys, Ghosts, Aliens, Reptilians, Religious, Spiritual, Governments, Monarchy, and anything that pertains to what You are Experiencing in This CreationBubble. And Also… The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom! Learn to Get Your Own Answers! NU’SEEE’SIONS Start at: 30 Minutes @ $1 (One US Dollar into PayPal) a Minute and can be as much time as needed. (and Yes, the way DUANU Writes His NUWords Refers to Something Morrre than what is known Here, and this is where You Decide to Recogn’IS’e What IS ReALLL Now with ALLLife or continue on as You have with just another PersonalLife in an Aging BodyForm). Contact: KEVIN SMITH UK & DEAN VAL on Facebook&YouTube.
An Official NuPresentation Club is now available, the NuAwarenISSS Club. Membership to which is 1 dollar per month through paypal. Click on the NuAwarenISSS WebSite link at the top of the page, and from there navigate to the forum site.
DUANE LEE HEPPNER.ORG~FOOD FORESTS by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER… “DUANE LEE HEPPNER.ORG 501C3, is for the Sol(Sun)Purpose of Providing a RealPurpose & RealAwareness with The ALLNaturALL Environment Supporting ALL of US with. First Comes This Earth with Food&RainForests and to Protect what is Still Here! For Those who have the Awareness to See what is Actually Taking Place Here with ALL the Natural Devastation, which is also PurposelyPlanned by WorldKontrollers, You now have a RealOpportunity to StepUp and ‘Do Something’ with Those who also Care about Your Planet Earth! Duane Lee Heppner has created ‘The NUUU~Nations United UNUversal UNUversity’ which completely entails The ALLNaturALL Environment EveryWhere and a RealEducation that has RealValue, and that far surpasses any ‘commonly created’ indoctrinating educational system that Does Not Focus on What Sustains ALL of US NaturALLy! RealSurvival MakesSense with Everything Here That is SelfSustaining. DLH.ORG&NUUU ‘IS’ The RealWakeUP Now! ~~~ Contact: USA Dean Val & UK Kevin Smith on FaceBook&YouTube.
The RealWakeUp Now. Wonderful Educators, Time, And Yugas. Part 1
The RealWakeUp Now. Agreement. Part 1
© 2019